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Black Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Connectors

Part Number UPC-A Trade Size Unit Pkg Standard Pkg
NM94 018997054883 3/8" 250 1000
NM940 018997721563 3/8" 100 1000
NM942 018997042811 3/8" 250 1000
NM95 018997109569 3/4" 50 500
NM96 018997721587 1" 25 250

Additional Information

The Black Button in now only the lowest cost NM connector on the market, but also offers the fastest method of installing single or multiple cables.

Cables insert without a struggle for a smooth installation and still holds wires securely, meets and exceeds UL pullout tests.

Installs easily, snaps into KO using light finger pressure.

Simple to remove with a twist of a screwdriver.