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Bill S-211 Report

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Arlington Industries, Inc. ("Arlington") is dedicated to preventing and reducing the risk of forced labor and child labor within our business operations and supply chains. We fully support the principles outlined in the Fighting Against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act (the "Act"). Our commitment to this Act underscores our ongoing efforts, this is a single entity report for the financial year ending December 31, 2023, for business number 866161763. Our journey towards eradicating forced Labor is not just a corporate obligation but a moral imperative that we embrace wholeheartedly.

Structure, activities and supply chains.

Arlington employing approximately 400 individuals is an electrical manufacturer of traditional metallic and non-metallic electrical fittings and connectors operating out of Scranton, Pennsylvania since 1949. Our company makes more individual zinc die cast line items than other businesses. We remain the only independent electrical fittings manufacturer with injection molding capability for producing non-metallic fittings in-house.

We are dedicated to continuous innovation in product development. We closely monitor industry trends to create innovative solutions that address specific jobsite challenges. This commitment is demonstrated by the introduction of over 500 new or unique products over the past decade.

Our products are widely available across the United States and Canada through a network of stocking sales representatives who support distributors inventory. Arlington caters to a diverse customer base across these regions.

We adhere to the highest safety standards in the manufacturing of all our products. To meet our customers' demands, we source raw materials and components from a broad range of suppliers, including those located globally. While this extensive supply chain is crucial for our commitments, it also presents risks, including those related to forced labor and child labor. We take these risks seriously and are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. Although we do not directly oversee the production, manufacturing, processing, or logistics of these materials, we ensure robust oversight through our partnership with a Supplier Liaison.

Our Supplier Liaison provides detailed procedural information for validating supplier selection within our network. This partnership includes conducting thorough supplier visits by an overseas team of engineers and sourcing agents, both during production and prior to shipment. The focus includes inspecting in- process and finished goods as well as the facilities. Additionally, this third party facilitates leadership and representative visits to all current and potential suppliers on an annual basis, ensuring full visibility and adherence to our ethical standards. Through these measures, Arlington is committed to maintaining a transparent and ethical supply chain, mitigating risks, and ensuring compliance. We will not knowingly engage with any supplier that violates our core values or best business practices. Arlington has not identified any instances of forced labor or child labor in our supply chain, confirming no remediation measures have had to be addressed.

Recognizing the need for more robust measures, Arlington is actively implementing additional policies and procedures designed to more effectively prevent forced labor and child labor at all levels of our operations and supply chains. These new initiatives are aimed at enhancing our oversight and enforcement mechanisms to ensure ethical practices throughout our entire network.

We are dedicated to continuously improving our approach to addressing these critical issues and upholding the highest standards of labor integrity.

Open Door Policy

Arlington is dedicated to maintaining a safe and supportive work environment. We ensure that all employees adhere to the policies within our employee handbook while fostering an open-door policy to address and resolve any employee concerns promptly.

This policy allows any employee to speak with their supervisor or any member of management regarding concerns or complaints they may encounter or witness. Each concern presented is reviewed and investigated to ensure resolution; all issues are managed equally regardless of impact to the company. Arlington strictly prohibits harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, gender, national origin, disability, handicap, alienage or citizenship status, genetic information, veteran status, or any other protected status under United States federal, state, or local laws.


Arlington provides employee training as required and as part of its onboarding process specific to the materials within our employee handbook as well as safety regulations.

Our employee handbook prescribes guidelines and expectations of employment; this includes workplace policies and procedures to operate in compliance with employment standards, human rights and safety legislation. Within this financial year we did not incorporate specific outlines related to the prevention of forced labor and child labor however we are exploring what additional information will be appropriate; develop and implement within our handbook and training program.

At Arlington, we are resolute in our commitment to maintaining the integrity of our supply chain. Through monitoring, active supplier engagement, and continuous improvement initiatives, we will continue to establish measures towards preventing forced labor from our supply chain.

As outlined in this report, our efforts include standard supplier reviews and partnerships with reputable third-party organizations to ensure compliance with internationally recognized labor standards. We also understand the importance of transparency and accountability, which is why we are committed to openly sharing our progress and challenges. We remain dedicated to these principles and will continue to strive for excellence in upholding ethical practices throughout our supply chain.

“In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and in complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.”

Signed by the Vice President, Treasurer, and CFO of Arlington Industries, Inc.

Original signed by Raymond Barnes

Raymond Barnes

Vice President/Treasurer/CFO

“I have the authority to bind Arlington Industries, Inc.” Date: September 3rd, 2024